Loss Control

Our mission is to eliminate injuries by providing supervisors and employees the tools and training to be proactive on safety. OccuSure Claims Services contracts exclusively with Johnston & Associates, Inc. to deliver a behavioral based loss control model. We train supervisors to observe unsafe work behaviors in employees, and train employees to use the correct work methods and apply safety thinking every day.


  • Evaluate Specific Loss Trends, Risks, and Hazards for Each Location
  • Provide Specific Recommendations for Safety Improvement
  • Introduce The M.O.S.T. ® System and Conduct Initial Training for Supervisors
  • Train Supervisors to Ask the Right Questions to Help Avoid Fraudulent Claims
  • Review the Proper Procedures for Reporting Injuries
  • Identify Modified Duty Opportunities and Review the Benefits of Modified Duty
  • Provide Support on Questions Related to Safety, OSHA, or Workers’ Compensation

Training Material:

  • Customized Client Specific M.O.S.T.® Training Brochures – These brochures will be customized not only for your company, but also for the specific types of injuries your employees may sustain.
  • Monthly Safety Topics – These safety topics provide you with the material needed to maintain OSHA compliance. Discussion questions and a sign in sheet are provided for easy record keeping. (Topics Include: 3-Point Contact, Machine Guarding, Heat Exhaustion, Lock-Out/Tag-Out, and Forklift Safety)
  • Weekly Safety Topics – These topics are regularly e-mailed to supervisors to help them keep safety alive and fresh.
  • Annual License Agreement – Licenses are provided for the use of the M.O.S.T.® System for Supervisors, The M.O.S.T.® System for Employees, and the S.O.S.® Safe Driving System.

We believe in educating all employees on the appropriate steps to take before, during, and after an injury happens.